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Issue 323 - Visiting All Threads (Including Virtual)

In this newsletter, we explore how we can visit the entire hierarchy of threads in our virtual machine, including virtual threads. We do this using the composite, visitor and facade design patterns.

Issue 322 - Throwing InterruptedException Early

The LinkedBlockingQueue and LinkedBlockingDeque behave slightly differently when methods put() and take() are called by a thread that happens to be in the "interrupted" state. The LBQ throws an InterruptedException immediately when we call take(), even if the queue contains elements. The LBD, however, only throws InterruptedException if the deque is empty and the thread would enter the WAITING state. In this newsletter we show how a dynamic proxy can make the behaviour consistent.

Issue 321 - StampedLock ReadWriteLock Dangers

ReentrantReadWriteLock has a limit of 65536 concurrent read locks. That is an unattainable number with platform threads, but definitely achievable with virtual threads. In this newsletter we explore some of the issues if we want to switch to the StampedLock.asReadWriteLock() instead.

Issue 320 - Please Don't Yield A Lot

Java's Thread.yield() traditionally would cause a voluntary context switch. However, with virtual threads, it causes the thread to be unmounted from its carrier thread. This can greatly increase the user and system time for ALL the carrier threads. And there is no way to turn it off. Keep an eye out for yield in your thread dumps.

Issue 319 - ArrayBlockingQueue: Weakly Consistent Iteration Powered by Weak References

Like many other concurrent collections, the ArrayBlockingQueue sports a weakly-consistent iterator. However, the ArrayBlockingQueue always has a maximum capacity, the length of the underlying array. In this newsletter we explore what happens to pending iterators when we wrap around the circular array.



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Blog Posts

50% Keyboard Guide: Tiny Typists' Delight

Posted by Hugh Jack on June 19, 2024 at 10:15am 0 Comments

Introduction to Compact Keyboards

Welcome to the world of compact keyboards! These small form factor keyboards are a game-changer when it comes to saving space and typing on the go. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a casual user, compact keyboards offer convenience and portability like never before.

What are Compact Keyboards?

Compact keyboards are smaller versions of traditional keyboards. They come in various…


We have some exciting news to share with you. Otavio will be joining us to discuss the latest version of Camel in an exclusive presentation. Presentation Details: Speaker: Otavio Rodolfo Piske Topic:…

Posted by Michael Levin on September 2, 2023 at 9:21am 0 Comments

We have some exciting news to share with you. Otavio will be joining us to discuss the latest version of Camel in an exclusive presentation.

Presentation Details:

Speaker: Otavio Rodolfo Piske

Topic: Camel 4:What to Expect

Date: 07 September 2023

Time: 19:00 Ist Time

Duration: Approximately 1 hour

Register URL :



Next OJUG and GatorJUG Meetings will be fabulous - Check out the Codetown Events

Watch for details on our upcoming meetings. OrlandoJUG meeting's fall on the 4th Thursday of every month, in case you want to mark your calendars. Stay tuned for details! GatorJUG meets the 2nd Wednesday of every month.

The details are posted in the CodeTown Events section. Please RSVP so we'll know how much pizza to order. Stay tuned! ...Mike



Error trying to use Fragment

I am new to Android.  I have been working thru some examples in a book called  Head First Android Development.  I entered a small program using fragments and get a Casting Error.cannot cast to…Continue

Tags: Fragment

Started by Robert Sobol in Java Oct 10, 2017.

Fragment Syntax Problem

My name is Rob Sobol.I have been working through a book called Head First Android Development.I hit a syntax error in a simple exercise that uses one fragment. I have been trying to figure out the error for days.  I am hoping some in the forum can…Continue

Tags: Fragments

Started by Robert Sobol in Java Oct 10, 2017.

Hadoop getting old?

An article just came out in InfoWorld about trends, which is always an interesting subject. Funny, they said Hadoop wasn't hot. Spark is. It's a good read. …Continue

Tags: codetown, infoworld, programming, hadoop, trends

Started by Michael Levin in Trends Apr 10, 2017.

What's functional programming, anyway?

Can you believe people are still trying to come up with a good definition or explanation of what functional programming is? Paul Krill is a journalist with InfoWorld. Here's an article he just wrote: …Continue

Tags: functions., codetown, lambdas, clojure, programming

Started by Michael Levin in Functional Programming Feb 21, 2016.

Santafe College 2 Replies

Santafe just added a new BAS  bachelor's program of study. 5651  ProgrammingContinue

Started by Dan Lackey in Dynamic Languages. Last reply by Michael Levin Feb 15, 2016.

The advantages of a RESTfull web-based API 5 Replies

I need to get a better handle on the advantages of a RESTful web-based API.  People tell me they scale better than other methods, but I don't see how they reduce database access or have any other feature that helps handle large amounts of traffic.…Continue

Tags: API', 'web-based, RESTful

Started by Kevin Neelands in Dynamic Languages. Last reply by Kevin Neelands Oct 25, 2015.

Using SQL with Node,.js 1 Reply

All the tutorials and books for node.js seem to use Mongo as the database.  I am not sold on 'document' databases and would like to know how difficult it is to use any version for plain old tried-and-true SQL with Node.js.Does anybody have any…Continue

Tags: 'document, databases', SQL, node, node.js

Started by Kevin Neelands in Dynamic Languages. Last reply by Lou Caudell Nov 10, 2015.

Storing Sensitive Data ( like SSNs ) 1 Reply

We might have to store Social Security Numbers.  We REALLY don't want to do this in our own database, we'd like some external 'vault' service that stores them encrypted and getting to them is difficult.  Does anyone have any ideas along these lines?Continue

Started by Kevin Neelands in Java. Last reply by Michael Levin May 7, 2014.

Oracle Embedded MOOC w/ Raspberry PI 1 Reply

If your interested in playing with Java on Raspberry PI - another round of the "Oracle Massive Open Online Course: Develop Java Embedded Applications Using a Raspberry Pi" is starting May 19th. You can find more details and…Continue

Tags: RaspberryPi, embedded, java

Started by Chris Schaefer in Java. Last reply by Michael Levin Apr 10, 2014.

Documentation standards or guidelines? 1 Reply

Does anyone care to share their suggestions for documentation?I'm asking because I recently had to change a program I wrote more than five years ago. I'd always thought that I've done a good job of documentation. But going through it was difficult.…Continue

Tags: Problems @ 2:00 AM, Maintenance, Documentation

Started by Miek in Java. Last reply by Adam Davis Apr 11, 2014.


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LOCAL Private Telephone System (PBX) with USA number for $1 a month

Thank you to 3CX for sponsoring this video. To try 3CX Pro for free for two months sign up using the following link:
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Aug 23, 2024
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Haseeb Qureshi: Doing Good with Your Career

Haseeb Qureshi, notable App Academy graduate, cryptocurrency expert, and philanthropist will be giving a talk on Effective Altruism for App Academy students ...
Aug 3, 2024
Michael Levin liked Hugh Jack's blog post 50% Keyboard Guide: Tiny Typists' Delight
Jun 20, 2024
Hugh Jack posted a blog post

50% Keyboard Guide: Tiny Typists' Delight

Introduction to Compact KeyboardsWelcome to the world of compact keyboards! These small form factor keyboards are a game-changer when it comes to saving space and typing on the go. Whether you're a student, a professional, or a casual user, compact keyboards offer convenience and portability like never before.What are Compact Keyboards?Compact keyboards are smaller versions of traditional keyboards. They come in various sizes, but the main idea is to provide a keyboard that takes up less space…See More
Jun 19, 2024
Hugh Jack is now a member of Codetown
Jun 19, 2024
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Jun 18, 2024
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Why AI Needs a “Nutrition Label” | Kasia Chmielinski | TED

What do sandwiches have to do with AI? Data reformist Kasia Chmielinski helps us think about artificial intelligence with a useful food metaphor — and breaks...
Jun 14, 2024
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Kobun Chino Roshi

Proof of Enlightenment (about Apple CEO Steve Jobs), Sesshin Dharma Talk in Puregg, Dienten Austia 1993, Vanja Palmers
Jun 6, 2024
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Feb 6, 2024
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Google Engineer on His Sentient AI Claim

Google Engineer Blake Lemoine joins Emily Chang to talk about some of the experiments he conducted that lead him to think that LaMDA was a sentient AI, and t...
Jan 17, 2024
Michael Levin posted a video

I Live Better In Thailand Than I Did In The U.S. - Here's How Much It Costs | Relocated

Jesse Schoberg, 41, relocated to Bangkok, Thailand at the beginning of 2022. He has been living and working abroad since 2008. He currently makes about $230,...
Jan 14, 2024
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Dec 7, 2023
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Dec 1, 2023
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Nov 20, 2023
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Nov 8, 2023

Happy 10th year, JCertif!


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When you create a profile for yourself you get a personal page automatically. That's where you can be creative and do your own thing. People who want to get to know you will click on your name or picture and…

Created by Michael Levin Dec 18, 2008 at 6:56pm. Last updated by Michael Levin May 4, 2018.

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InfoQ Reading List

JavaOne 2025 Day 2: FFM API, Virtual Threads, Platform Engineering, Evolution of Jakarta EE

JavaOne 2025, celebrating the 30th birthday of the Java programming language, was held at the Oracle Conference Center in Redwood Shores, California. This three-day event consisted of 80 sessions and hand-on labs, and two keynotes. Day Two, scheduled on March 19th, 2025, included presentations from various conference tracks.

By Michael Redlich

Presentation: AI in the Age of Climate Change

Nischal HP discusses the critical role of data credibility in combating greenwashing and enabling effective climate action. He shares how technology can be used to create verifiable data on carbon sequestration, empowering farmers and corporations to participate in carbon markets.

By Nischal HP

GitHub Leverages AI for More Accurate Code Secret Scanning

GitHub has unveiled a groundbreaking AI-driven secret scanning feature within Copilot, enhancing password detection in code while significantly reducing false positives. By leveraging advanced context analysis and collaboration with Microsoft, GitHub ensures robust repository security. Experience a new era of code integrity with precision-driven technology now available for all users.

By Steef-Jan Wiggers

Atlassian Launches ARM Builds for Bitbucket Pipelines

Atlassian has announced ARM-based Linux runners for its Bitbucket Pipelines cloud service, allowing developers to build software artefacts and container images for ARM-based systems. The new feature is available exclusively to Standard and Premium plan customers.

By Matt Saunders

Article: ​​Applying Flow Metrics to Design Resilient Microservices

Software design with resilience is an acknowledgement to the reality that everything fails. We put metrics in place to help us detect and resolve such problems and failures. Flow metrics, commonly used to measure how well teams deliver software, can be used to measure and improve system resilience.

By Mourjo Sen

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